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Mountain View Elementary

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Intercultural Diversity Advisory Council (IDAC)

The purpose of the page is for our staff and students to be able to illustrate the amazing things that are happening at our school!

What is IDAC?
Intercultural Diversity Advisory Council (IDAC) draws members from parents to represent our school at district level climate assessment/problem-solving meetings. The primary purpose of the Intercultural Diversity Advisory Council (IDAC), originally formed in 1988 as the Intercultural Advisory Council, is to assist in the formation and review of policies that assure non-discriminatory practices in all operational areas of the Clovis Unified School District. Its further mission is to assist in improving the cultural environment of the District.

District IDAC Page


Mountain View will host 4 IDAC meetings in the 2022-2023 school year to continue to build cultural competency within our school community.  All Mountain View staff, students, parents, and community members are encouraged to attend meetings to provide input and feedback.
Quarterly Meeting Dates
IDAC meetings will all take place in the library at TBA
1st Quarter Meeting: TBA
2nd Quarter Meeting: TBA 
3rd Quarter Meeting: TBA
4th Quarter Meeting: TBA

Meeting Agendas and Minutes

IDAC Self Assessment

IDAC Focus Areas

  • Staff Training
  • Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
  • School Culture

Hiring for Diversity Action Plan

Throughout the year, teachers will participate in a variety of trainings which include the following: 

  • Cultural Proficiency
  • Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS)
  • Positivity Project
  • All 4 Youth Onboarding Training

Multicultural Education
Multicultural Education and Projects

Each year the grade level teams specifically target multiple cultural projects to enhance their curriculum. They focus on celebrating cultures in their classrooms and allow students to share their own unique experiences. The teachers collaborate to expand on the cultural focuses identified in the ELA Benchmark curriculum. These projects include STEM activities, research projects, literature studies, as well as arts.


Benchmark Curriculum

The Benchmark curriculum includes texts from Kindrergarten through 5th grade that provide a study of diverse people, cultures, and the importance of valuing one another's contributions. 

Supplemental Curriculum

 Core Curriculum is supplemented with many resources that are often researched based in an effort to enhance instruction.  Supplemental curriculum is highly engaging and designed to meet the needs of all students. 


Focus Group Achievement
Every year, teachers analyze site, district, and state data results to determine students who are at risk of not meeting grade level expectations, with specific attention to our focus group (Hispanic, Black, Asian, Special Education and LCAP) students to ensure appropriate, targeted intervention is provided to close the achievement gap.  Classroom teachers provide both Tier I and Tier II classroom academic interventions.  Intervention teachers provide in-class/push-in support to these students at the Tier II level as well.  In addition, intervention teachers provide more intensive pull out Tier III support at the student's instructional level.  Staff recommends and ensures our focus group students receive the appropriate level of RTI academic support.  Teachers meet with administration during annual TGLE conferences to address the concerns and needs of these students. 
Educating Students About Sexual Harassment, Gender Equity, Racial Bullying and Digital Citizenship
Each quarter Mountain View staff conducts school wide assemblies for students in grades 1st-6th surrounding topics of sexual harassment, gender equity, and racial bullying, in addition to monthly Character Counts lessons.  All students in K-6 are taught a series of 3 or more lessons on the appropriate use of technology through the support and guidance of classroom teachers and/or our Technology Teacher on Special Assignment taken from the district's Digital Citizenship required lessons.

Human Relations Council - Kid Nation

Kid Nation is a multicultural club at Mountain View whose goal is to promote awareness, understanding, and acceptance of cultural diversity.  Our club provides students with opportunities to become more familiar with our diverse community. Involvement in Kid Nation helps develop students' self-esteem and pride in one's heritage. Kid Nation members, through their participation, learn about customs, beliefs, and foods unique to different cultures.  Students, with support and guidance from our Multicultural Club advisors, plan, organize, and facilitate events throughout the year so we may educate our entire school community about different cultures. Students in grades 4th-6th are encouraged and welcome to participate.  Kid Nation meets 2-4 times per month after school as a co-curricular activity.

  • The purpose of the page is for our staff and students to be able to illustrate the amazing things that are happening at our school!

    What is IDAC?
    Intercultural Diversity Advisory Council (IDAC) draws members from parents to represent our school at district level climate assessment/problem-solving meetings. The primary purpose of the Intercultural Diversity Advisory Council (IDAC), originally formed in 1988 as the Intercultural Advisory Council, is to assist in the formation and review of policies that assure non-discriminatory practices in all operational areas of the Clovis Unified School District. Its further mission is to assist in improving the cultural environment of the District.

    District IDAC Page


    Mountain View will host 4 IDAC meetings in the 2022-2023 school year to continue to build cultural competency within our school community.  All Mountain View staff, students, parents, and community members are encouraged to attend meetings to provide input and feedback.
    Quarterly Meeting Dates
    IDAC meetings will all take place in the library at TBA
    1st Quarter Meeting: TBA
    2nd Quarter Meeting: TBA 
    3rd Quarter Meeting: TBA
    4th Quarter Meeting: TBA

    Meeting Agendas and Minutes

    IDAC Self Assessment

    IDAC Focus Areas

    • Staff Training
    • Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
    • School Culture

    Hiring for Diversity Action Plan

  • Throughout the year, teachers will participate in a variety of trainings which include the following: 

    • Cultural Proficiency
    • Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS)
    • Positivity Project
    • All 4 Youth Onboarding Training
  • Multicultural Education
    Multicultural Education and Projects

    Each year the grade level teams specifically target multiple cultural projects to enhance their curriculum. They focus on celebrating cultures in their classrooms and allow students to share their own unique experiences. The teachers collaborate to expand on the cultural focuses identified in the ELA Benchmark curriculum. These projects include STEM activities, research projects, literature studies, as well as arts.


    Benchmark Curriculum

    The Benchmark curriculum includes texts from Kindrergarten through 5th grade that provide a study of diverse people, cultures, and the importance of valuing one another's contributions. 

    Supplemental Curriculum

     Core Curriculum is supplemented with many resources that are often researched based in an effort to enhance instruction.  Supplemental curriculum is highly engaging and designed to meet the needs of all students. 


    Focus Group Achievement
    Every year, teachers analyze site, district, and state data results to determine students who are at risk of not meeting grade level expectations, with specific attention to our focus group (Hispanic, Black, Asian, Special Education and LCAP) students to ensure appropriate, targeted intervention is provided to close the achievement gap.  Classroom teachers provide both Tier I and Tier II classroom academic interventions.  Intervention teachers provide in-class/push-in support to these students at the Tier II level as well.  In addition, intervention teachers provide more intensive pull out Tier III support at the student's instructional level.  Staff recommends and ensures our focus group students receive the appropriate level of RTI academic support.  Teachers meet with administration during annual TGLE conferences to address the concerns and needs of these students. 
    Educating Students About Sexual Harassment, Gender Equity, Racial Bullying and Digital Citizenship
    Each quarter Mountain View staff conducts school wide assemblies for students in grades 1st-6th surrounding topics of sexual harassment, gender equity, and racial bullying, in addition to monthly Character Counts lessons.  All students in K-6 are taught a series of 3 or more lessons on the appropriate use of technology through the support and guidance of classroom teachers and/or our Technology Teacher on Special Assignment taken from the district's Digital Citizenship required lessons.

  • Human Relations Council - Kid Nation

    Kid Nation is a multicultural club at Mountain View whose goal is to promote awareness, understanding, and acceptance of cultural diversity.  Our club provides students with opportunities to become more familiar with our diverse community. Involvement in Kid Nation helps develop students' self-esteem and pride in one's heritage. Kid Nation members, through their participation, learn about customs, beliefs, and foods unique to different cultures.  Students, with support and guidance from our Multicultural Club advisors, plan, organize, and facilitate events throughout the year so we may educate our entire school community about different cultures. Students in grades 4th-6th are encouraged and welcome to participate.  Kid Nation meets 2-4 times per month after school as a co-curricular activity.